Friday, September 6, 2024

How Do You Describe Beauty? Unraveling the Many Layers of What Makes Us Feel Beautiful



Beauty is perhaps one of the few ideas that cut across all cultures, periods, and personal preferences. Beauty is more than skin deep; it is a background of how we see ourselves, our surroundings, and our relationships with others. However, how do we explain beauty? Is it a physical thing, a feeling or both? In a society which is obsessed with social media, fads, and changing norms, it’s essential and timely to challenge the standards of beauty as defined by other people. This article seeks to broaden the concept of beauty and suggest practical ways in which it can be accepted in various ways.

Beauty is subjective and one can find beauty in anything

As the saying goes, ‘beauty is in the eyes of the beholder’. Everyone and each person has a unique perspective on beauty, and this is exactly why any definitions put on beauty are bound to fail. There are elements of visual beauty and there are elements that are not physical but emotional. Which is why there cannot be absolute definition of beauty? This is because beauty is relative and most times based on one’s environment, the society and their emotions.

Instance: Different cultures have various perceptions of beauty and hence there are values associated with beauty in different ways. For instance, colorless people are ideal in some countries and having dark skin is attractive in other places. Like other cultures, beauty expectation also transcends geographical boundaries and that there is a lot of social construction as far as perception of beauty is concerned.

Actionable Tip:

Learn to appreciate more beauty by simply making yourself to view objects in a new way. Next time when you are out of your house try focusing on the little things such as how a flower feels or the way shadows of a building fall. This activity does not only make one aware of the surrounding but also changes the way the person views the common things around him/her.

Physical Beauty vs Inner Beauty

Physical beauty has always been associated with beauty and whenever beauty is mentioned that is what people picture. A person’s beauty has been adjudicated with the shape of his or her face, the feature symmetry and skin radiance. Inner substance or soul tends to be no less exceptional though, it’s the human traits such as goodwill, courage, or magnetism. Quite often, what is it that distinguishes a beautiful person from an ordinary one is rather their feel and how do they make other people look and do.

Invite: For instance, do you have reasons to believe that there is a person who becomes more and more attractive the more you get to know her? Most of the time it is their laughter, encouragement of their friends, or even their positivity that makes them much more attractive that their looks would suggest.

Actionable Tip:

Schedule a few minutes each day to write in a positive journal. Reinforce and appreciate aspects of yourself that bring out the best within you. You will smile from the inside out, and in turn, others will admire and appreciate you.

The Changing Face of Beauty Norms

Cosmetic ideations have undergone great transformation from time to time being considered by society. The curvy bodies from the paintings of The Renaissance period to the currently accepted body positivity campaigns appreciate that every era defines beauty differently. But nowadays, there is a growing tendency towards the appreciation of individual differences and room for diversity in the beauty industry as opposed to age-old stereotypical notions.

Example: Fenty Beauty and other brands fostered inclusion by creating skin-inclusive lines of products for every skin color. This transition to inclusiveness indicates that the industry is gradually beginning to accept its responsibility to uphold a more varied concept of attractiveness.

Actionable Tip:

Consider using beauty products or clothing trends that are non-conforming. Look for or create different styles that emphasize the best of you. When one fully embraces his or her identity, they will become more comfortable with the image of themselves.

Beauty as Self-Expression

Beauty is another great way to express yourself. The way we dress, apply hairstyles, or makeup can as well communicate about us as it is how we intend to reach out to the world. Personal style can be a statement about an individual, their thinking, or their background.

Example: Think of Lady Gaga and how extravagant her clothing is. The clothes and eye makeup she dons are frequently artistic in nature and do not conform to everyday wear which emphasise the idea that beauty is an art form and a source of power.

Actionable Tip:

Try out various looks to suit your personality. It could be a bold lip color or a dress that makes you feel really confident about yourself, beauty is about how you feel about yourself.

Beauty and Confidence: Two Sides of A Coin

Everyone would agree with me and explain that beauty and confidence are synonymous. In fact, they relate to good looking in most of the cases. However, here is the secret: confidence is not anchored on a certain prescribed beauty standard. It is acceptance of imperfections – of self.

Example: Upon closer investigation, I have found people, such as models and actors, who may not match typical definitions of a universally beautiful person, yet carry their values with a charming disposition. That kind of energy is so attractive that people are more likely to be attracted to others even in their presence. Without a doubt, confidence should always be included among beauty boosters.

Actionable Tip:

Celebrate the traits that set you apart from the crowd, be it the way you tell stories or the color of your hair. The first step in building a sense of assurance is abandoning the habit of measuring yourself up against others and rather recognizing your individuality.

Conclusion: Beauty Is Not Only Skin Deep and More Than What Is Seen

Describing beauty is nearly impossible since it exists in many ways. In every way that there is to beauty, and it can involve appearance-related aspects, and the kindness of an internal person, and the confidence of how one carries themselves – beauty is part and parcel of our existence. You can start to live happily and confidently by trying to redefine beauty in your own way and accepting the fact that you are beautiful in your own unique way. Do not forget that real beauty comes from within, and if you feel beautiful from the inside, it will reflect on the outside as well.


What is beauty in its real form?

In most cases, beauty extends beyond physical attributes to include elements like compassion, self-assurance, or interpersonal behavior. It is more about people’s feelings and how they accept themselves.

With the passage of time do you believe that the standards regarding beauty can change?

Definitely! Each era, thanks to different cultures, media and social changes, had its ‘beauty norm’. Most recently, there has been a strong move towards more realistic and broader interpretation of beauty.

Beauty is only in the eye of the beholder .Is it only a matter of looks?

No, beauty lies in the outer attraction as well as in the inner beauty. The inner beauty qualities like confidence and kindness often complement outer beauty and make a person attractive.

How do I enhance my beauty?

Love and accept who you are and wear what enhances that self image. Positivity is a must and never ever pit yourself against anybody else. Beauty can be abundantly enhanced with confidence.

How am I able to present beauty as a means of self expression?

Beauty is a subjective aspect so feel free to try on clothes or make-up or change your hairstyle suited to your personality and temperament. Beauty can also be used to express and enhance one’s self-esteem making the person feel in control of themselves.

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