Wednesday, March 29, 2023

What Can Happen To My Body?

The human body has been described as a machine. We are machines that are designed to perform certain functions. Our bodies are made up of different parts and systems. The heart pumps blood throughout our body. The lungs supply oxygen to all the cells in the body. The digestive system breaks down food and provides nutrients for the cells. The nervous system controls our muscles and organs. The immune system defends against infection. We also have different organs that help us with these functions. For example, the liver stores energy and the kidneys filter toxins from the blood. The spleen helps fight infection and the skin protects us from injury. There are many things that can affect the health of our bodies. These include genetics, environment, lifestyle choices and aging. Genetics are part of our genetic makeup. There are some diseases that we inherit from our parents or grandparents. This is why it is important to learn about our family history. We may be at risk for developing certain diseases because of our family history. Environment affects our bodies in many ways. It is important to take care of our bodies so that we can live long healthy lives. Lifestyle choices are an important part of our daily routine. It is important to eat healthy foods and exercise regularly. Aging is another factor that affects our bodies. As we age our bodies begin to break down. This causes changes in our bodies. Some of these changes are normal but some are not. It is important to know what to do if you notice any changes in your body. You should see your doctor if you notice any of the following: * Changes in your weight * Changes in your energy level * Changes in your appetite * Changes in your sleep patterns * Changes in your bowel movements * Changes in your bladder habits * Changes in your sexual activity * Changes in your urination * Pain in your joints * Swelling in your ankles or feet * Difficulty breathing * A lump or mass in your breast * Skin changes If you experience any of these symptoms then you should see your doctor. Your doctor will ask you questions about your medical history. He or she will examine you and may order tests to help determine the cause of your problem. Tags

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